Our ambition is to produce a high quality, sustainable development.
We are mindful of trying to create a local community feel through design and we are attempting to future proof the properties by incorporating Design for Life features giving residents more ability to stay in their community as they get older. We wish to pre-empt the upcoming changes to national household heating strategy and the boom in electric car charge demand.
We are very fortunate to work with architects Tate & Co who are by their own admission, 'optimists working together to make the world better... our focus is on connecting people, places and communities to nature through intelligent, sustainable design.' They have an international reputation for sensitive sustainable architecture. They have a wealth of experience in Passivhaus and low-energy construction.
We have outline permission for 133 houses and are in the final stages of obtaining Reserved Matters permission. This will swiftly be followed by raising finance and bringing a team together to build.